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Exciting Council News!!
In 2022, GSHNJ's CEO and lifetime member, Natasha Hemmings traveled to Saudi Arabi to share her knowledge and expertise in Girl Scouting. At the invitation of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Natasha met with Her Highness Princess Sama bint Faisal Al Saud and 100 Saudi women who were eager to use their voices and skills to advance women empowerment within their communities and across the country. In an interview with My Centra
lJersey, Natasha stated, "Being involved with Girl Scouts is my passion and my purpose and I have seen firsthand that even the youngest Girl Scout can make a positive difference in our communities. Naturally, I jumped at this unique opportunity to share my experiences with Girl Scouting and to demonstrate how engaged leadership and adult volunteers can inspire, empower, and better the lives of girls and young women here in New Jersey and across the globe."
Thank you Natasha for your leadership and leaving us all inspired to be the change we wish to see
To learn more about Natasha's trip and her commitment to promoting women's and girls' empowerment and well-being, please follow the article below
Original source can be found here.